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Çorum Ticaret Borsası / KOYUNBABA BRIDGE

Koyunbaba bridge ,which is at the centre of Osmancık on Kızılırmak , was built during the time of Beyazıt the second.Construction of the bridge began in M.1484(H.889) and ended in M.1489(H.894). The bridge of which long is 250 m , wideness is 7.5 m, was built of rectangle edged , yellow , clipping Stones.It has sharp cove and 19 sections.There are stone safety rails that are one metre high ,out sidelong… There is a narrow band way for pedestrians to walk…

The bridge, which has taken his name one of the famous Turkish saints Koyunbaba , has its Tablet opposite the jamb that is next to the castle..The tablet was writen in arabic and classical language of that period…In the tablet the person who built the bridge but there is no explanation about the architect of the bridge…

In the tablet :

‘’ Thank good for help and Salat for Muhammed ,his family and his lovers that Show the right way to others.The earth is a charity and gate bridge in the eye of people who have examples. It is impossible to have a continued life and happiness for creatures.It is a happiness for the person who thinks about the beginning and the end , takes good deed for the after life journey .Persistent Charity is such a good deed.The grand order have to be valid in every countries.

‘’ Sultan Ebül Fetih Beyazıt bin Mehmet Han’’ is noble, fair, scholar, sultan and brave,grand khan that has taken the management of the nations, the sultan of the arabic and persian sultans, khan of the sea , promoted by Good that has goodness and power….May God maintain his sutanate so long as days follow nights.To reach the goodness in judgement day, to be example for the people that are passing on you, to be made use of by the public he ordered that valuable bridge that is always a goodness done robust. The constraction of this beneficial work began şaban in 889 and ended in 894..’’